Thursday, 29 December 2011

World Will Not End In 2012

Thanks to Stephen Hawking we now know that a black hole exists in the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. On December 13th 2012 the Earth will come in to perfect alignment between the sun and the centre of the galaxy, this much is true. This alignment will cause the earth to be affected by additional gravity, this is also true. So the theory goes that the additional gravity created by the alignment will knock the earth out of it's orbit, and possibly into the path of a comet BOOM!! There you have your end of days theory.

However, there is one teeny weenie point that seems to have been overlooked by the people who propound this theory, well, er, two points actually".

1: The additional gravity created by the alignment is teeny weenie. It's minuscule on the cosmic scale and would barely register.

2: This alignment that's supposed to send us spinning out of control, happens EVERY December 21st. It happened last year in 2008, it also happened a couple of months after the battle of Hastings in 1066, and again in 1067. It will happen again this year on December 21st 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, 13, 14, 15 and so on.

So!! - on December 21st 2012 you can sleep easy, you WILL SEE December 22nd and go on to have a nice Xmas.

I'm sorry to be a kill joy to the masses who love this theory. In fact I'm so sorry that I'm prepared to make amends. If you REALLY AND TRULY want something to worry about, keep in mind April 13th 2036 this is when Comet Apophys REALLY COULD slam in to the Earth.

We'll also have SEVEN years to contemplate our impending doom. The Comet will pass us in 2029, so close that it will dip below our orbiting communication satellites. From that passing in 2009, astrophysicist's will be able to calculate if it's going to hit us in 2036.

Apophis is 250 meters across and has a mass of 45-million tonnes. It is orbiting the Sun at 28,000 miles per hour (45,000 kph) every seven years and each pass by Earth brings it a little closer. If it hits Earth, it could easily level a large city but it is not a planet killer. The 2029 pass will bring it within the moons orbit of the earth making it clearly visible to the naked eye even during the day. However this isn't closer than our com satellites. All this said, preparations are underway to mount a deflection operation, suggestions have also been made to slow it down into a stabilized orbit outside of the moons allowing the worlds scientist a chance to study a real comet over a lengthy period of time. Given that comets are suspected of seeding amino acids across the universe and thus giving planets within a stars habitable zone the opportunity to develop organic life this opportunity could vastly increase our understanding of planarity mechanics and the origins of organic life.

The theory of the world ending in 2012 isn't true, it's just a silly hoax. The world isn't going to end on December 21, 2012, just the Mayan Calendar ends. One of several Mayan calendars is the Long Count calendar, which is reset to day 0 every 1,872,000 days or 7057.5 years. The next reset date, by some calculations, is December 21, 2012. This is not a prediction of the end of the world. The Mayan Calendar has to end sometime. Besides, nobody can't predict when the end of the world is. You shouldn't always believe what you hear from other people. The scientific evidence about 2012 doesn't go together. Those who spread rumors about 2012 should be punished. You know what is sad, people may commit suicide over this thinking its the end of the world. Or maybe some people would get unwise with their money and spend it all like crazy and be in thousands of dollars in debt, just because they thought the world would end. Then they have to pay it off later and deal with the stress of those bills. That's why those who spread rumors about 2012 should be punished. You know what else is false about this 2012 garbage?

"¢ Planet X (Nibiru) isn't going to hit the Earth it doesn't exist.

"¢ Poles are switching everyday, this isn't going to happen all in just 1 day. This process takes thousands of years. Throughout geological history there has been may pole switches and life has still survived.

"¢ Also people are saying these poles will switch in one day due to a black hole. That's NOT true. The nearest black hole to our galaxy is 1600 light years away.

"¢ Sun will be lined up with a sunspot, but it doesn't mean it will wipe out all life on Earth. One time ago, Earth was lined up with a sunspot and people were on it and everybody didn't just die.

"¢ There is not going to be catastrophic earthquakes.

"¢ Just because certain cultures predict it like the Chinese, Japanese and all of them doesn't mean their predictions are correct. As I said, nobody can predict such a thing.

"¢ No comet will hit Earth.

"¢ If you have been watching the History Chanel about 2012 or anything like that, all they are just trying to do is scare people so they can make money.

"¢ We are going to have a rare night sky, nothing more. No asteroids, no comets, etc.

Each time the end the world is predicted. They are always wrong. Here are all the predictions of when the world would end and each time they where wrong. Every year there is a prediction like this. I'm sure that if 2012 doesn't happen, they will think of something else. Through out history the end has been predicted but has never happened so, whats the point of worrying? And if you keep asking questions about 2012, do you want to die instead of enjoying life?
Nope, the world IS NOT gonna end in 2012. The first time I herd this junk, I looked it up on almost EVERYWHERE and almost everything said one word, no. I have mainly 3 reasons that I already knew. 1. Scientists said that in 1998, the world would blow up from carbon-dioxide. 2. Just because the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, doesn't mean the worlds gonna end. It ends in 2012 because the Mayans believed either 1.23400,00 years or every 1,000 years, the world would end. But because the Mayans lives back in the, what, about, 1600, they thought 1.23400,00 years. And 3.God didn't make a specific date of when the world will end. The only time the world will end is when the sun burns out in a exactly 2.34 zillion years. The sun will burn out because it's a giant star and every star burns out. So in OUR lifetime, the earth will not end. I rest my case.
Although I agree with most of what was said (the paragraph right above this one), You can never say anything is fir sure. What about a huge meteor be enough to wipe everything out on the Earth? You know that big band of space rocks between Mars and Jupiter.... I bet that was once one planet that got hit or two planets that ran into each other. You never know what is going to happen. Maybe the Mayan's knew that there was a HUGH piece of space rock out there that had a rotation through our solar system and their were the only ones to notice it and plotted the course and found out it WOULD hit our planet? You never know...

Why build an underground bunker for every seed on the planet? unless there is concern?
Why orbit billions of pounds worth of space shuttle to observe the slightest gravitational movements in the earth land mass?
The Tsunami, Earthquakes increasing, the world being currently on fire in over 15 countries, our smallest life forms not evolving fast enough with current climate changes, The 100 year droughts predicted in East Africa starting in the next 15-20 years, The ice caps melting, economic crisis, the God Particle, the worlds most powerful lasers creating a sun the size of a led pencil planned for 2010?
Science should rule out every other possibility before coming to a personal conclusion is 2012 has's already happening!!
I'm not convinced with pole shift arguments but when you look at what is occurring on our planet i don't think that it will only be the 'people who never went to science classes' that will look at our planets state and what governments are currently spending money on and then look at the Mayans, Egyptians, I Ching, Koran, Bible and NASA predictions for the next 5 years and start to show some serious concern.

Mayan calendar
2010 myth: The world will end at the same time as the Mayan calendar in December 2012.

Fact: There have been thousands of calendars in use over the years.

Calendars, whether contemporary or ancient, cannot predict the future of our planet or warn of things to happen on a specific date such as 2012.

Digital clocks reset at 23.59 each night to 00.00 but the world continues. Calendars go from December 31 to January 1 each year but the world continues.


2012 myth: The end of the world in 2012 coincides with a prediction by sixteenth century philospher and visioanry Nostradamus.

Many 2012 belivers have taken as truth Nostradamus' interpretation that something will happen in 2012.

Fact: There's no evidence that Nostradamus has correctly predicted anything. His vague writings are based on imagery and metaphor and can be interpreted in many different ways.

Earth's rotation
2012 myth: An alignment of planets in our galaxy, the Milky Way, could revers the Earth's rotational or disrupt the Earth's gravitational field.

Fact: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. It has never happened and never will. It would be like a basketball that is spinning on somebody's finger suddenly stopping and going the other way.

With regard to the Earth's gravitational field, the magnetic polarity of Earth does take place around every 400,000 years but scientists don't believe it will take place for another few millennia and there is no evidence it would do any harm.

2012 film
2012 myth: The film '2012' is a warning sign or prediction that the world is due to end shortly.

Fact: The film uses a sophisticated PR campaign which incorporates elements of 'viral' marketing. The trailer for the film plays on conspiracy theorists' fears that the truth is being somehow hidden by directing viewers to a 'faux scientific' website. Did the events in Jurassic park, Jumanji, or Men in Black ever happen? Quite simply, Hollywood bossed have used fears, rumours and scaremongering to make money at the box-office.

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